Associations to the word «Theatrically»
- Showtime
- Dvd
- Buena
- Bros
- Magnolia
- Cinema
- Distributor
- Film
- Paramount
- Disney
- Gay
- Pbs
- Walt
- Picture
- Romance
- Warner
- Festival
- Classics
- Pooh
- Weekend
- Entertainment
- Sequel
- Telecast
- Movie
- Walter
- Thriller
- Screening
- Release
- Werewolf
- Documentary
- Animation
- Earning
- Feature
- Dracula
- Mayer
- Vista
- Cannes
- 3d
- Cartoon
- Anarchy
- Toronto
- Japan
- States
- Fest
- Starring
- Box
- Theater
- Venue
- Angeles
- International
- Fox
- United
- Trailer
- Broadcast
THEATRICALLY, adverb. In a theatrical or dramatic manner
Dictionary definition
THEATRICALLY, adverb. In a stagy and theatrical manner; "`I cannot show my face at her house,' he declared theatrically".
THEATRICALLY, adverb. In a theatrical manner; "theatrically dressed".
Wise words
Abuse of words has been the great instrument of sophistry
and chicanery, of party, faction, and division of society.