Associations to the word «Testimony»
- Gospel
- Insanity
- Notary
- Counsel
- Accusation
- Contradiction
- Statement
- Apostle
- Commandment
- Inquiry
- Perpetrator
- Handwriting
- Martyrdom
- Bear
- Competency
- Psychiatrist
- Innocence
- Torture
- Guilt
- Investigation
- Investigator
- Committee
- Herodotus
- Examination
- Judge
- Validity
- Epistle
- Denial
- Fbi
- Claimant
- Rape
- Deliberation
- Attorney
- Court
- Adultery
- Revelation
- Document
- Miracle
- Supposition
- Senate
- Lied
- Confirmation
- Informer
- Documentation
- Proceeding
- Psychologist
- Extortion
- Disregard
- Authorship
- Truth
- Slavery
- Litigation
- Oversight
- Murder
- Apostles
TESTIMONY, noun. (legal) statements made by a witness in court.
TESTIMONY, noun. An account of first-hand experience.
TESTIMONY, noun. In a church service, a personal account, such as of one's conversion.
TESTIMONY, noun. Witness; evidence; proof of some fact.
Dictionary definition
TESTIMONY, noun. A solemn statement made under oath.
TESTIMONY, noun. An assertion offering firsthand authentication of a fact; "according to his own testimony he can't do it".
TESTIMONY, noun. Something that serves as evidence; "his effort was testimony to his devotion".
Wise words
Words - so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing
in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in
the hands of one who knows how to combine them.