Associations to the word «Technically»
- Feasible
- Proficient
- Demanding
- Challenging
- Incorrect
- Gifted
- Adept
- Illegal
- Sophisticated
- Inaccurate
- Competent
- Skilled
- Superior
- Viable
- Misleading
- Ineligible
- Correct
- Advanced
- Innovative
- Impractical
- Speaking
- Oriented
- Accomplished
- Accurate
- Stunning
- Bankrupt
- Obsolete
- Inferior
- Impressive
- Difficult
- Brilliant
- Minded
- Subordinate
- Electoral
- Invalid
- Versatile
- Imaginative
- Synonymous
- Flawed
- Prohibited
- Sanctioned
- Accessory
- Classified
- Acceptable
- Eligible
- Unlawful
- Complicated
- Talented
- Expensive
- Axial
- Irrelevant
- Identical
- Legal
- Incompatible
TECHNICALLY, adverb. Based on precise facts.
TECHNICALLY, adverb. Having the skills or talent required for a certain job or profession.
TECHNICALLY, adverb. According to the current state of science.
Dictionary definition
TECHNICALLY, adverb. With regard to technique; "technically lagging behind the Japanese"; "a technically brilliant boxer".
TECHNICALLY, adverb. With regard to technical skill and the technology available; "a technically brilliant solution".
TECHNICALLY, adverb. According to the exact meaning; according to the facts; "technically, a bank's reserves belong to the stockholders"; "technically, the term is no longer used by experts".
Wise words
Words, like nature, half reveal and half conceal the soul