Associations to the word «Senator»
- Sock
- Washington
- Sulla
- Rockefeller
- Amendment
- Idaho
- Chuck
- Wisconsin
- Nebraska
- Mcclellan
- Oriole
- Bruin
- Mckinley
- Defenceman
- Dakota
- Bill
- Mitch
- Cato
- Romney
- Repeal
- Attorney
- Congress
- Louisiana
- Loren
- Anaheim
- Election
- Federalist
- Bribery
- Incumbent
- Norris
- Pompey
- Connecticut
- Yankee
- Gabrielle
- Hampshire
- Leland
- Shreveport
- Massachusetts
- Confirmation
- Reid
- Cassius
- Sprague
- Salazar
- Griffith
- Maine
- Goaltender
- Censure
- Haines
- State
- Gorman
- Eisenhower
- Minnesota
- Iowa
- Heinz
- Nigerian
- Az
- Governorship
- Cheney
- Diaz
- Fundraiser
- Patty
- Hubert
- Committee
- Arroyo
- Sherman
- Presidency
- Morse
- Carolina
- Burr
- Constituent
- Vice
- Kentucky
- Wyoming
- Hon
- Capitol
- Lamar
- Claudius
- Tennessee
- Canuck
- Lobbying
- Intern
- Blunt
- Blaine
SENATOR, noun. A member, normally elected, in the house or chamber of a legislature called a senate. The legislatures of the United States and Canada have senators.
SENATOR, noun. (historical) A position in government held in ancient Rome by experienced, elder officials as advisors or consultants for younger, less experienced functionaries.
SENATOR, noun. A member of the king's council.
Dictionary definition
SENATOR, noun. A member of a senate.
Wise words
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