Associations to the word «Retirement»


RETIREMENT, noun. An act of retiring; withdrawal.
RETIREMENT, noun. (uncountable) The state of being retired; seclusion.
RETIREMENT, noun. The portion of one's life after retiring from one's career.
RETIREMENT, noun. (obsolete) A place of seclusion or privacy; a place to which one withdraws or retreats; a private abode.
RETIREMENT HOME, noun. A multi-residence housing facility intended for the elderly.
RETIREMENT HOMES, noun. Plural of retirement home

Dictionary definition

RETIREMENT, noun. The state of being retired from one's business or occupation.
RETIREMENT, noun. Withdrawal from your position or occupation.
RETIREMENT, noun. Withdrawal for prayer and study and meditation; "the religious retreat is a form of vacation activity".

Wise words

Words differently arranged have a different meaning, and meanings differently arranged have different effects.
Blaise Pascal