Associations to the word «Reentrant»


REENTRANT, adjective. Reentering; pointing inward.
REENTRANT, adjective. (programming) (of a mutual exclusion mechanism) Such that the corresponding lock can be reacquired by the locking thread.
REENTRANT, adjective. (programming) That may be executed more than once at a time either by different threads, or because of recursion.
REENTRANT, adjective. (transport) (of a part of a rocket) Designed to return to the Earth's atmosphere.
REENTRANT, adjective. (physiology) Of or pertaining to reentry (in the heart)
REENTRANT, adjective. (music) (of a ukulele or similar instrument) Having the strings not ordered according to pitch (having a re-entry)
REENTRANT, noun. An angle or part that reenters itself.
REENTRANT, noun. One who enters (the labour market, etc.) again.
REENTRANT, noun. (geography) A valley between a pair of parallel ridges
REËNTRANT, adjective. Obsolete form of reentrant.
REËNTRANT, noun. Obsolete form of reentrant.

Dictionary definition

REENTRANT, adjective. (of angles) pointing inward; "a polygon with re-entrant angles".

Wise words

The pen is mightier than the sword.
Edward George Bulwer-Lytton