Associations to the word «Promulgated»
- Approval
- Ethics
- Teaching
- Referendum
- Brief
- Oversight
- Xvi
- Assent
- Commandment
- Authority
- Assembly
- Regime
- Expression
- Rights
- Ix
- Enforcement
- Clergy
- Interim
- Welfare
- Vi
- Populace
- Recommendation
- Budget
- Accounting
- Congregation
- Fcc
- Judaism
- Policy
- Emperor
- Constantinople
- Principle
- Propaganda
- Ethic
- Parliament
- Conduct
- Federal
- Jews
- Bull
- Council
- Divorce
- Morality
- Xii
- Succession
- Nationalist
- Enlightenment
- Norm
- Government
- Gregory
- Democracy
- Liberal
- Monarch
- Consent
- Adoption
- Penalty
- Ruler
- Amendment
- Faith
PROMULGATE, verb. (transitive) To make known or public.
PROMULGATE, verb. (transitive) To put into effect as a regulation.
Dictionary definition
PROMULGATE, verb. State or announce; "`I am not a Communist,' he exclaimed"; "The King will proclaim an amnesty".
PROMULGATE, verb. Put a law into effect by formal declaration.
Wise words
A word carries far, very far, deals destruction through time
as the bullets go flying through space.