Associations to the word «Praise»
- Reviewer
- Ign
- Ebert
- Praising
- Graphic
- Critic
- Portrayal
- Cinematography
- Pitchfork
- Acting
- Originality
- Visual
- Acclaim
- Allah
- Storytelling
- Prose
- Review
- Weekly
- Almighty
- Satire
- Prowess
- Masterpiece
- Bravery
- Performance
- Generosity
- Honesty
- Rendition
- Pathos
- Simplicity
- Singing
- Sincerity
- Thou
- Ruskin
- Anthem
- Contemporary
- Heroism
- Censure
- Hymn
- Blame
- Flattery
- Thanksgiving
- Gamer
- Psalm
- Worthy
- Storyline
- Songwriting
- Approbation
- Him
- Vibe
- Brilliant
- Adoration
- Riff
- Sing
- Erasmus
- Commendation
- Informer
- Graphics
- Oration
- Funny
PRAISE, noun. Commendation; favourable representation in words
PRAISE, noun. Worship
PRAISE, verb. To give praise to.
PRAISE THE LORD, interjection. Expression of surprise, disbelief, happiness, thankfulness.
PRAISE THE LORD, interjection. (UK) (mildly blasphemous) sterotypical exclamation used in mockery of Christianity.
PRAISE THE LORD, interjection. Phrase used to thank God by Christians.
PRAISE TO THE SKIES, verb. (transitive) (idiomatic) to laud excessively
Dictionary definition
PRAISE, noun. An expression of approval and commendation; "he always appreciated praise for his work".
PRAISE, noun. Offering words of homage as an act of worship; "they sang a hymn of praise to God".
PRAISE, verb. Express approval of; "The parents praised their children for their academic performance".
Wise words
The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two
words when one will do.