Associations to the word «Polygon»
- Odd
- Interior
- Connectivity
- Uv
- Ply
- Singularity
- Bump
- Equal
- Console
- Analog
- Simple
- Hull
- Calculation
- Danielle
- Model
- Ontology
- Configuration
- Object
- Simpler
- Subset
- Transformation
- Scaling
- Shooter
- Plastic
- Barrage
- Atari
- Sphere
- Hydrocarbon
- Scatter
- Multiple
- Optimization
- Sum
- Flip
- Infinity
- Formula
- Croft
- Pluto
- Poppy
- Newton
- Map
- Kernel
- Pollen
- Analogy
- Vc
- Tit
- Chip
- Representation
- Mon
- Incidence
- Mhz
- Obstacle
- Point
- Offset
- Knob
- Pi
- Puzzle
- Datum
- Butte
- Orientation
- Crossing
- Sequence
- Clipper
- Sulfate
POLYGON, noun. (geometry) A plane figure bounded by straight edges.
POLYGON, noun. (geometry) The boundary of such a figure.
POLYGON, noun. (geometry) (more generally) A figure comprising vertices and (not necessarily straight) edges, alternatingly.
POLYGON, noun. (geometry) Such a figure and its interior, taken as a whole.
POLYGON MESH, noun. (computer graphics) A collection of vertices, edges and faces that defines the shape of a polyhedral object.
POLYGON MESHES, noun. Plural of polygon mesh
POLYGON OF FORCES, noun. (mechanics) A polygonal figure the sides of which are vectors representing several forces acting simultaneously upon one point, so that the vector necessary to make the figure closed is the resultant of those forces.
Dictionary definition
POLYGON, noun. A closed plane figure bounded by straight sides.
Wise words
Abuse of words has been the great instrument of sophistry
and chicanery, of party, faction, and division of society.