Associations to the word «Pivotal»
- Event
- Kinase
- Nineteenth
- Tokugawa
- Dev
- Activation
- Rama
- Sire
- Thriller
- Suffrage
- Anita
- Hindi
- Protagonist
- Rai
- Contribution
- Survival
- Sen
- Fascism
- Involvement
- Brie
- Genre
- Recount
- Fda
- Social
- Differentiation
- Birthplace
- Steroid
- Reagan
- Cites
- Victory
- Sai
- Devel
- Primary
- Metabolism
- Malaya
- Establishment
- Movement
- Tyrone
- Adoption
- Furlong
- Film
- Hormone
- Fumble
- Creation
- Revolution
- Rus
- Dictator
- Mao
- Premiership
- Renaissance
- Abolition
- Conquest
- Nomenclature
- Saxophonist
- Debate
- Singh
- Catalyst
- Protein
- Formation
- Character
- Conflict
- Decision
- Innocent
- Initiative
- Quantity
- History
- Point
- Presidency
- Yeast
- Crisis
- Racecourse
- Decade
- Proliferation
PIVOTAL, adjective. Of, relating to, or being a pivot.
PIVOTAL, adjective. Being of crucial importance; central, key.
Dictionary definition
PIVOTAL, adjective. Being of crucial importance; "a pivotal event"; "Its pivotal location has also exposed it to periodic invasions"- Henry Kissinger; "the polar events of this study"; "a polar principal".
Wise words
Words may show a man's wit but actions his meaning.