Associations to the word «Outright»


OUTRIGHT, adverb. Wholly, completely and entirely.
OUTRIGHT, adverb. Openly and without reservation.
OUTRIGHT, adverb. At once.
OUTRIGHT, adverb. With no outstanding conditions.
OUTRIGHT, adverb. (informal) Blatantly; inexcusably.
OUTRIGHT, adjective. Unqualified and unreserved.
OUTRIGHT, adjective. Total or complete.
OUTRIGHT, adjective. Having no outstanding conditions.
OUTRIGHT, verb. (sports) To release a player outright, without conditions.

Dictionary definition

OUTRIGHT, adverb. Without restrictions or stipulations or further payments; "buy outright".
OUTRIGHT, adverb. Without reservation or concealment; "she asked him outright for a divorce".
OUTRIGHT, adverb. Without any delay; "he was killed outright".
OUTRIGHT, adjective. Without reservation or exception.

Wise words

Words derive their power from the original word.
Meister Eckhart