Associations to the word «Orissa»
- Bihar
- Assam
- Bengal
- Pradesh
- Rajasthan
- Gujarat
- Nawab
- Maharashtra
- Karnataka
- Maratha
- Bahadur
- Jammu
- Haryana
- Siva
- Madras
- Calcutta
- Chandra
- Punjab
- Kerala
- Narayan
- Prasad
- Babu
- Brahmin
- Janata
- Mysore
- Kashmir
- Delhi
- India
- Indira
- Maharaja
- Caste
- Goa
- Dal
- Lal
- Deva
- Donaldson
- Swami
- Shri
- Jena
- Bose
- Mughal
- Bombay
- Pune
- Das
- Cyclone
- Gupta
- Superintendent
- Landfall
- Hyderabad
- Kala
- Gandhi
- Temple
- Archaeology
- Singh
- Krishna
- Govt
- Cadre
- Mirza
- Bot
- Raja
- Mandal
- Mumbai
- Dev
- Mangrove
- Hindu
- Devi
- Legislative
- Thurston
- Esq
- Bali
- Naga
- Bangladesh
- Nepal
- Devotee
- Raj
- West
- Mandir
- Hinduism
- Khan
- Nehru
- Encyclopaedia
- Kumar
- Shiva
- Kali
- Famine
- Presidency
- Pandit
- Montagu
ORISSA, proper noun. State in eastern India which has Bhubaneshwar as its capital.
Dictionary definition
ORISSA, noun. State in eastern India on the Bay of Bengal.
Wise words
Speak clearly, if you speak at all; carve every word before
you let it fall.