Associations to the word «Malthus»
- Godwin
- Ricardo
- Subsistence
- Darwin
- Economist
- Keynes
- Essay
- Restraint
- Marx
- Famine
- Demography
- Check
- Abstinence
- Starvation
- Catastrophe
- Baptiste
- Fertility
- Thomas
- Malnutrition
- Clergyman
- Eighteenth
- Humankind
- Locke
- Principle
- Misery
- Reverend
- Growth
- Carlyle
- Prediction
- Population
- Neo
- Maynard
- Sadler
- Hardin
- Rousseau
- Wage
- Thinker
- Gottfried
- Theorist
- Economics
- Mankind
- Wallace
- Robert
- Pamphlet
- Theory
- Laws
- Economy
- Mortality
- Stuart
- Mill
- Spencer
- Poverty
- Hunger
- Argument
- Increase
- Doctrine
- Proponent
- Economic
- Critique
- Townsend
- Struggle
- Unemployment
- Supply
- Dynamics
- Reformer
- Karl
- Rent
- Food
- Ratio
- Accumulation
- Thesis
- Evil
- Faster
- Mal
- Resource
MALTHUS, proper noun. A rare surname derived from the word for malthouse.
MALTHUS, proper noun. Specifically, Thomas Malthus, English demographer and political economist, who proposed the view that population growth always exceeds the growth of the necessary food supply.
Dictionary definition
MALTHUS, noun. An English economist who argued that increases in population would outgrow increases in the means of subsistence (1766-1834).
Wise words
Words are but symbols for the relations of things to one
another and to us; nowhere do they touch upon absolute