Associations to the word «Liner»

Pictures for the word «Liner»


LINER, noun. Someone who fits a lining to something.
LINER, noun. A removable cover or lining
LINER, noun. The pamphlet which is contained inside an album of music or movie
LINER, noun. A lining within the cylinder of a steam engine, in which the piston works and between which and the outer shell of the cylinder a space is left to form a steam jacket.
LINER, noun. A slab on which small pieces of marble, tile, etc., are fastened for grinding.
LINER, noun. A large passenger-carrying ship, especially one on a regular route; an ocean liner.
LINER, noun. (nautical)   A ship of the line.
LINER, noun. (baseball)   A line drive.
LINER, noun. (marketing) (slang)   A basic salesperson.
LINER, noun. (in combination)   Something with a specified number of lines.
LINER, noun. (initialism) low ionization nuclear emission line region
LINER NOTES, noun. Commentary or supplemental information printed on an album cover or insert.

Dictionary definition

LINER, noun. (baseball) a hit that flies straight out from the batter; "the batter hit a liner to the shortstop".
LINER, noun. A protective covering that protects an inside surface.
LINER, noun. A piece of cloth that is used as the inside surface of a garment.
LINER, noun. A large commercial ship (especially one that carries passengers on a regular schedule).

Wise words

Man is a creature who lives not upon bread alone, but principally by catch words.
Robert Louis Stevenson