Associations to the word «Lead»
- Lag
- Upheaval
- Dispute
- Exposure
- Populist
- Degradation
- Separatist
- Freddie
- Clash
- Secession
- Trojan
- Leakage
- Paralysis
- Complication
- Temptation
- Exodus
- Recession
- Denny
- Royalist
- Corrosion
- Remake
- Darrell
- Solo
- Kinase
- Adoption
- Batterie
- Restructuring
- Shankar
- Riot
- Bulldog
- Janata
- Sack
- Assist
- Cossack
- Pathway
- Dustin
- Nato
- Arrest
- Nasser
- Closure
- Ceasefire
- Joey
- Refusal
- Pigment
- Massa
- Deletion
- Militia
- Contaminant
- Accusation
- Repression
- Portraying
- Reduction
- Pitching
- Nitrate
- Troop
- Obstruction
- Electrode
- Campaign
- Ambush
- Path
- Clint
- Outfielder
- Repeal
- Condemnation
- Siege
- Party
- Cornwallis
- Shaun
- Platoon
- Imposition
- Playoff
- Mongol
- Crusade
- Revolutionary
LEAD, noun. (uncountable) A heavy, pliable, inelastic metal element, having a bright, bluish color, but easily tarnished; both malleable and ductile, though with little tenacity. It is easily fusible, forms alloys with other metals, and is an ingredient of solder and type metal. Atomic number 82, symbol Pb (from Latin plumbum).
LEAD, noun. (countable) A plummet or mass of lead attached to a line, used in sounding depth at sea or (dated) to estimate velocity in knots.
LEAD, noun. A thin strip of type metal, used to separate lines of type in printing.
LEAD, noun. (uncountable) (typography) Vertical space in advance of a row or between rows of text. Also known as leading.
LEAD, noun. Sheets or plates of lead used as a covering for roofs.
LEAD, noun. (plural leads) A roof covered with lead sheets or terne plates.
LEAD, noun. (countable) A thin cylinder of black lead or plumbago (graphite) used in pencils.
LEAD, noun. (slang) Bullets; ammunition.
LEAD, verb. (transitive) To cover, fill, or affect with lead; as, continuous firing leads the grooves of a rifle.
LEAD, verb. (transitive) (printing) (historical) To place leads between the lines of.
LEAD, verb. (heading) (transitive) To guide or conduct.
LEAD, verb. To guide or conduct with the hand, or by means of some physical contact connection.
LEAD, verb. To guide or conduct in a certain course, or to a certain place or end, by making the way known; to show the way, especially by going with or going in advance of, to lead a pupil; to guide somebody somewhere or to bring somebody somewhere by means of.instructions. Hence, figuratively: To direct; to counsel; to instruct; as, to lead a traveler.
LEAD, verb. To conduct or direct with authority; to have direction or charge of; as, to lead an army, an exploring party, or a search; to lead a political party; to command, especially a military or business unit.
LEAD, verb. To guide or conduct oneself in, through, or along (a certain course); hence, to proceed in the way of; to follow the path or course of; to pass; to spend. Also, to cause (one) to proceed or follow in (a certain course).
LEAD, verb. (intransitive) To guide or conduct, as by accompanying, going before, showing, influencing, directing with authority, etc.; to have precedence or preeminence; to be first or chief; — used in most of the senses of the transitive verb.
LEAD, verb. (heading) To begin, to be ahead.
LEAD, verb. (transitive) To go or to be in advance of; to precede; hence, to be foremost or chief among.
LEAD, verb. (intransitive) To lead off or out, to go first; to begin.
LEAD, verb. (intransitive) To be more advanced in technology or business than others.
LEAD, verb. (heading) (sport)
LEAD, verb. (transitive) (cards) (dominoes) To begin a game, round, or trick, with; as, to lead trumps.
LEAD, verb. (intransitive) To be ahead of others, e.g., in a race.
LEAD, verb. (intransitive) To have the highest interim score in a game.
LEAD, verb. (baseball) To step off base and move towards the next base.
LEAD, verb. (shooting) To aim in front of a moving target, in order that the shot may hit the target as it passes.
LEAD, verb. (transitive) (climbing) Lead climb.
LEAD, verb. (transitive) To draw or direct by influence, whether good or bad; to prevail on; to induce; to entice; to allure; as, to lead one to espouse a righteous cause.
LEAD, verb. (intransitive) To tend or reach in a certain direction, or to a certain place.
LEAD, verb. To produce (with to).
LEAD, verb. Misspelling of led.
LEAD, noun. (uncountable) The act of leading or conducting; guidance; direction, course; as, to take the lead; to be under the lead of another.
LEAD, noun. (uncountable) Precedence; advance position; also, the measure of precedence; as, the white horse had the lead; a lead of a boat’s length, or of half a second; the state of being ahead in a race; the highest score in a game in an incomplete game.
LEAD, noun. (countable) An insulated metallic wire for electrical devices and equipment.
LEAD, noun. (baseball) The situation where a runner steps away from a base while waiting for the pitch to be thrown.
LEAD, noun. (uncountable) (card games) (dominoes) The act or right of playing first in a game or round; the card suit, or piece, so played; as, your partner has the lead.
LEAD, noun. (countable) A channel of open water in an ice field.
LEAD, noun. (countable) (mining) A lode.
LEAD, noun. (nautical) The course of a rope from end to end.
LEAD, noun. A rope, leather strap, or similar device with which to lead an animal; a leash
LEAD, noun. In a steam engine, the width of port opening which is uncovered by the valve, for the admission or release of steam, at the instant when the piston is at end of its stroke.
LEAD, noun. Charging lead.
LEAD, noun. (civil engineering) The distance of haul, as from a cutting to an embankment.
LEAD, noun. (horology) The action of a tooth, as a tooth of a wheel, in impelling another tooth or a pallet. — Claudias Saunier
LEAD, noun. Hypothesis that has not been pursued
LEAD, noun. Information obtained by a detective or police officer that allows him or her to discover further details about a crime or incident.
LEAD, noun. (marketing) Potential opportunity for a sale or transaction, a potential customer.
LEAD, noun. Information obtained by a news reporter about an issue or subject that allows him or her to discover more details.
LEAD, noun. (curling) The player who throws the first two rocks for a team.
LEAD, noun. (newspapers) A teaser; a lead-in; the start of a newspaper column, telling who, what, when, where, why and how. (Sometimes spelled as lede for this usage to avoid ambiguity.)
LEAD, noun. An important news story that appears on the front page of a newspaper or at the beginning of a news broadcast
LEAD, noun. (engineering) The axial distance a screw thread travels in one revolution. It is equal to the pitch times the number of starts.
LEAD, noun. (music) In a barbershop quartet, the person who sings the melody, usually the second tenor
LEAD, noun. (music) The announcement by one voice part of a theme to be repeated by the other parts.
LEAD, noun. (music) A mark or a short passage in one voice part, as of a canon, serving as a cue for the entrance of others.
LEAD, noun. (engineering) The excess above a right angle in the angle between two consecutive cranks, as of a compound engine, on the same shaft.
LEAD, noun. (electrical) The angle between the line joining the brushes of a continuous-current dynamo and the diameter symmetrical between the poles.
LEAD, noun. (electrical) The advance of the current phase in an alternating circuit beyond that of the electromotive force producing it.
LEAD, adjective. (not comparable) Foremost.
LEAD, verb. Misspelling of led.
LEAD ASTRAY, verb. (transitive) To cause (someone) to believe an untruth.
LEAD ASTRAY, verb. (transitive) To misguide or misdirect.
LEAD BY EXAMPLE, verb. To show the way or demonstrate a technique to individuals or a group by going ahead or doing something before the others
LEAD CHAMBER PROCESS, noun. (inorganic chemistry) An industrial method for the production of sulphuric acid
LEAD CHARACTER, noun. The main protagonist in a work.
LEAD CLIMB, verb. (climbing) To climb by placing anchors while ascending a rock.
LEAD CLIMBED, verb. Simple past tense and past participle of lead climb
LEAD CLIMBER, noun. (climbing) One who climbs with the use of anchors.
LEAD CLIMBERS, noun. Plural of lead climber
LEAD CLIMBING, noun. (climbing) A climbing technique, in which the climber places anchors while ascending a rock.
LEAD CLIMBING, verb. Present participle of lead climb
LEAD CLIMBS, verb. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of lead climb
LEAD COLIC, noun. Plumbism
LEAD CRYSTAL, noun. Glass that contains at least 24% of lead oxide (PbO).
LEAD CRYSTAL, noun. Cut glass made of this material
LEAD DOG, noun. (mushing) one of the dogs at the front of the team, who set the pace.
LEAD FIDDLE, noun. Somewhat rarer synonym of first fiddle.
LEAD GLANCE, noun. The mineral galena.
LEAD GLASS, noun. Cut glass, containing lead oxide, that has a high refractive index
LEAD GUITAR, noun. In rock music, an electric guitar that plays soloistically, usually playing melodically as opposed to strumming chords; supported by the rhythm guitar.
LEAD GUITARS, noun. Plural of lead guitar
LEAD HOPPING, noun. (pharmacology) the identification of isofunctional molecular structures with significantly different molecular backbones
LEAD HYDRIDE, noun. (inorganic compound) The unstable tetrahydride of lead, PbH4, plumbane
LEAD MONOXIDE, noun. (inorganic compound) The oxide of lead, PbO, that occurs as the minerals litharge and massicot
LEAD NOWHERE, verb. (idiomatic) to have no purpose, to result in nothing.
LEAD OFF, noun. (baseball) The first batter in the batting order.
LEAD OFF, noun. (baseball) The first batter of an inning.
LEAD OFF, verb. (baseball) To be the first batter of an inning.
LEAD ON, verb. (transitive) (idiomatic) to mislead, to try to make someone believe a lie.
LEAD ON, verb. (transitive) (idiomatic) to encourage with the illusion of a romantic relationship.
LEAD OUT, noun. (cycling) A race tactic, used to set up a rider for a sprint finish, in which one rider on a team will ride at a very high rate of speed with a teammate (the sprinter) following directly behind in his slipstream thus enabling the following rider to gain speed without expending as much energy as he normally would. See drafting.
LEAD OUT, verb. (poker slang) to bet into a pot postflop from the first betting position
LEAD OXIDE, noun. (inorganic compound) A yellow oxide of lead, PbO, used in the manufacture of paints and glass.
LEAD POISONING, noun. A chronic intoxication produced by the absorption of lead into the body, characterized by severe colicky pains, a dark line along the gums, and local muscular paralysis.
LEAD POISONING, noun. (slang) Being shot by a firearm.
LEAD SHEET, noun. (music) A form of written music that specifies the melody, lyrics, and harmony.
LEAD SHEETS, noun. Plural of lead sheet
LEAD SHOT, noun. Small balls of lead, used as projectiles in shotguns, and as a weight in angling etc
LEAD SINGLE, noun. (music) The first single released from an album
LEAD SOMEONE A DANCE, verb. To waste somebody's time in an elaborately circuitous manner.
LEAD SOMEONE DOWN THE GARDEN PATH, verb. (idiomatic) To mislead, deceive, hoodwink, or seduce.
LEAD SOMEONE UP THE GARDEN PATH, verb. Alternative form of lead someone down the garden path
LEAD SUBOXIDE, noun. (chemistry) A poorly-characterized oxide of lead, Pb2O; it is a black, amorphous solid
LEAD SUGAR, noun. Sugar of lead.
LEAD SULFATE, noun. (inorganic compound) The insoluble lead salt or sulfuric acid, PbSO4, that forms in lead-acid batteries
LEAD SULPHATE, noun. Alternative spelling of lead sulfate
LEAD THE LINE, verb. (idiomatic) To play as centre forward.
LEAD TIME, noun. (idiomatic) The amount of time between the initiation of some process and its completion, e.g. the time required to manufacture or procure a product; the time required before something can be provided or delivered.
LEAD TIMES, noun. Plural of lead time
LEAD VOCALIST, noun. (music) A singer (or one of a small group of singers) who provides lead vocals to a song
LEAD VOCALISTS, noun. Plural of lead vocalist
LEAD VOCALS, noun. (music) The primary words of a song, sung by the lead vocalist to the same tune as the primary melody
Dictionary definition
LEAD, noun. An advantage held by a competitor in a race; "he took the lead at the last turn".
LEAD, noun. A soft heavy toxic malleable metallic element; bluish white when freshly cut but tarnishes readily to dull grey; "the children were playing with lead soldiers".
LEAD, noun. Evidence pointing to a possible solution; "the police are following a promising lead"; "the trail led straight to the perpetrator".
LEAD, noun. A position of leadership (especially in the phrase `take the lead'); "he takes the lead in any group"; "we were just waiting for someone to take the lead"; "they didn't follow our lead".
LEAD, noun. The angle between the direction a gun is aimed and the position of a moving target (correcting for the flight time of the missile).
LEAD, noun. The introductory section of a story; "it was an amusing lead-in to a very serious matter".
LEAD, noun. (sports) the score by which a team or individual is winning.
LEAD, noun. An actor who plays a principal role.
LEAD, noun. (baseball) the position taken by a base runner preparing to advance to the next base; "he took a long lead off first".
LEAD, noun. An indication of potential opportunity; "he got a tip on the stock market"; "a good lead for a job".
LEAD, noun. A news story of major importance.
LEAD, noun. The timing of ignition relative to the position of the piston in an internal-combustion engine.
LEAD, noun. Restraint consisting of a rope (or light chain) used to restrain an animal.
LEAD, noun. Thin strip of metal used to separate lines of type in printing.
LEAD, noun. Mixture of graphite with clay in different degrees of hardness; the marking substance in a pencil.
LEAD, noun. A jumper that consists of a short piece of wire; "it was a tangle of jumper cables and clip leads".
LEAD, noun. The playing of a card to start a trick in bridge; "the lead was in the dummy".
LEAD, verb. Take somebody somewhere; "We lead him to our chief"; "can you take me to the main entrance?"; "He conducted us to the palace".
LEAD, verb. Have as a result or residue; "The water left a mark on the silk dress"; "Her blood left a stain on the napkin".
LEAD, verb. Tend to or result in; "This remark lead to further arguments among the guests".
LEAD, verb. Travel in front of; go in advance of others; "The procession was headed by John".
LEAD, verb. Cause to undertake a certain action; "Her greed led her to forge the checks".
LEAD, verb. Stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point; "Service runs all the way to Cranbury"; "His knowledge doesn't go very far"; "My memory extends back to my fourth year of life"; "The facts extend beyond a consideration of her personal assets".
LEAD, verb. Be in charge of; "Who is heading this project?".
LEAD, verb. Be ahead of others; be the first; "she topped her class every year".
LEAD, verb. Be conducive to; "The use of computers in the classroom lead to better writing".
LEAD, verb. Lead, as in the performance of a composition; "conduct an orchestra; Barenboim conducted the Chicago symphony for years".
LEAD, verb. Lead, extend, or afford access; "This door goes to the basement"; "The road runs South".
LEAD, verb. Move ahead (of others) in time or space.
LEAD, verb. Cause something to pass or lead somewhere; "Run the wire behind the cabinet".
LEAD, verb. Preside over; "John moderated the discussion".
Wise words
Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and
health to the bones.