Associations to the word «Kalimantan»
- Sarawak
- Sulawesi
- Sumatra
- Borneo
- Sabah
- Brunei
- Java
- Regency
- Indonesia
- Bali
- Papua
- Sultanate
- Malaysia
- Malay
- Jakarta
- Timor
- Peat
- Malaysian
- Laos
- Javanese
- Archipelago
- Mindanao
- Myanmar
- Haze
- Thailand
- Central
- Sulu
- East
- Hamid
- Cambodia
- West
- Sultan
- Malaya
- Luzon
- Lowland
- Infiltration
- Siam
- Southeast
- Chao
- Cham
- Dutch
- Province
- Lesser
- Hectare
- Chandra
- Burma
- Philippines
- Rainforest
- Malacca
- Kazakh
- Nepal
- Insurgency
- Vietnam
- Rhino
- Ern
- Malik
- Guinea
- Hindu
- Hinduism
- Concession
- Ps
- Peninsula
- Diversity
- Mangrove
- Communist
- North
- Peoples
- Confrontation
- Bangladesh
- Plantation
- Singapore
- South
- Swamp
- Island
KALIMANTAN, proper noun. The Indonesian part of the island of Borneo.
Dictionary definition
KALIMANTAN, noun. The part of Indonesia on the southern side of the island of Borneo.
KALIMANTAN, noun. 3rd largest island in the world; in the western Pacific to the north of Java; largely covered by dense jungle and rain forest; part of the Malay Archipelago.
Wise words
Every creature is a word of God.