Associations to the word «Intricate»
- Rune
- Experimentation
- Routine
- Dance
- Precision
- Groove
- Pottery
- Fireplace
- Chord
- Taper
- Earring
- Novice
- Yoruba
- Javanese
- Sash
- Thong
- Marking
- Tempo
- Casting
- Array
- Pinnacle
- Coloured
- Finer
- Staircase
- Hallmark
- Dazzling
- Jewel
- Shape
- Saber
- Betrayal
- Unique
- Hilt
- Simplicity
- Irrigation
- Exterior
- Turning
- Dancer
- Veranda
- Splendor
- Connexion
- Symbolism
- Delicacy
- Warp
- Hanging
- Style
- Compact
- Unison
- Colour
- Wire
- Fugue
- Painting
- Hue
- Structure
INTRICATE, adjective. Having a great deal of fine detail or complexity.
INTRICATE, verb. (intransitive) To become enmeshed or entangled.
INTRICATE, verb. (transitive) To enmesh or entangle: to cause to intricate.
Dictionary definition
INTRICATE, adjective. Having many complexly arranged elements; elaborate; "intricate lacework".
Wise words
All our words from loose using have lost their edge.