Associations to the word «Input»


INPUT, noun. The act or process of putting in; infusion.
INPUT, noun. That which is put in, as in an amount.
INPUT, noun. Contribution, or share in a contribution.
INPUT, noun. Something fed into a process with the intention of it shaping or affecting the output of that process.
INPUT, verb. (transitive) To put in; put on.
INPUT, verb. (transitive) To enter data.
INPUT, verb. (transitive) To accept data that is entered.
INPUT ARM, noun. The side of a lever on which force is applied
INPUT DEVICE, noun. (computing) Any of many hardware devices that generate and/or interface input (from a user or elsewhere) to a computer
INPUT DEVICES, noun. Plural of input device
INPUT METHOD, noun. (computing) A program that facilitates the input of foreign scripts or exotic symbols on a computer.
INPUT METHOD EDITOR, noun. (computing) A program that facilitates the input of foreign scripts or exotic symbols on a computer.
INPUT METHOD EDITORS, noun. Plural of input method editor

Dictionary definition

INPUT, noun. Signal going into an electronic system.
INPUT, noun. A statement that expresses a personal opinion or belief or adds information; "from time to time she contributed a personal comment on his account".
INPUT, noun. Any stimulating information or event; acts to arouse action.
INPUT, noun. A component of production; something that goes into the production of output.
INPUT, verb. Enter (data or a program) into a computer.

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