Associations to the word «Hardened»


HARDENED, verb. Simple past tense and past participle of harden
HARDENED, adjective. Unfeeling or lacking emotion due to experience; callous.

Dictionary definition

HARDENED, adjective. Used of persons; emotionally hardened; "faced a case-hardened judge".
HARDENED, adjective. Made hard or flexible or resilient especially by heat treatment; "a sword of tempered steel"; "tempered glass".
HARDENED, adjective. Protected against attack (especially by nuclear weapons); "hardened missile silos".
HARDENED, adjective. Made tough by habitual exposure; "hardened fishermen"; "a peasant, dark, lean-faced, wind-inured"- Robert Lynd; "our successors...may be graver, more inured and equable men"- V.S.Pritchett.
HARDENED, adjective. Converted to solid form (as concrete).

Wise words

The pen is mightier than the sword.
Edward George Bulwer-Lytton