Associations to the word «Grounds»
- Shipwreck
- Antenna
- Aircraft
- Luftwaffe
- Shoal
- Sunk
- Shallow
- Subfamily
- Worldview
- Faa
- Capacitor
- Reef
- Burial
- Idealism
- Forewing
- Pinch
- Spawning
- Electrode
- Squirrel
- Neutral
- Iceberg
- Voltage
- Strauss
- Baseman
- Batter
- Shortstop
- Cricket
- Salvage
- Supposition
- Methodology
- Barge
- Rationality
- Airline
- Kant
- Schooner
- Theory
- Fielder
- Forage
- Impedance
- Realism
- Mast
- Scripture
- Oval
- Tenet
- Critique
- Gunboat
- Camping
- Hitter
- Assumption
- Vantage
- Belief
- Floor
- Reality
- Tow
- Spirituality
- Liberalism
GROUND, noun. (uncountable) The surface of the Earth, as opposed to the sky or water or underground.
GROUND, noun. (uncountable) Terrain.
GROUND, noun. (uncountable) Soil, earth.
GROUND, noun. (countable) The bottom of a body of water.
GROUND, noun. Basis, foundation, groundwork, legwork.
GROUND, noun. Background, context, framework, surroundings.
GROUND, noun. The plain surface upon which the figures of an artistic composition are set.
GROUND, noun. In sculpture, a flat surface upon which figures are raised in relief.
GROUND, noun. In point lace, the net of small meshes upon which the embroidered pattern is applied.
GROUND, noun. In etching, a gummy substance spread over the surface of a metal to be etched, to prevent the acid from eating except where an opening is made by the needle.
GROUND, noun. (architecture) (mostly in the plural) One of the pieces of wood, flush with the plastering, to which mouldings etc. are attached.
GROUND, noun. (countable) A soccer stadium.
GROUND, noun. (electricity) (Canadian and US) An electrical conductor connected to the ground.
GROUND, noun. (electricity) (Canadian and US) A level of electrical potential used as a zero reference.
GROUND, noun. (countable) (cricket) The area of grass on which a match is played (a cricket field); the entire arena in which it is played; the part of the field behind a batsman's popping crease where he can not be run out (hence to make one's ground).
GROUND, noun. (music) A composition in which the bass, consisting of a few bars of independent notes, is continually repeated to a varying melody.
GROUND, noun. (music) The tune on which descants are raised; the plain song.
GROUND, noun. The pit of a theatre.
GROUND, verb. To connect (an electrical conductor or device) to a ground.
GROUND, verb. (transitive) To punish, especially a child or teenager, by forcing him/her to stay at home and/or give up certain privileges.
GROUND, verb. (transitive) To forbid (an aircraft or pilot) to fly.
GROUND, verb. To give a basic education in a particular subject; to instruct in elements or first principles.
GROUND, verb. (baseball) to hit a ground ball; to hit a ground ball which results in an out. Compare fly (verb(regular)) and line (verb).
GROUND, verb. (cricket) (of a batsman) to place his bat, or part of his body, on the ground behind the popping crease so as not to be run out
GROUND, verb. (intransitive) To run aground; to strike the bottom and remain fixed.
GROUND, verb. To found; to fix or set, as on a foundation, reason, or principle; to furnish a ground for; to fix firmly.
GROUND, verb. (fine arts) To cover with a ground, as a copper plate for etching, or as paper or other materials with a uniform tint as a preparation for ornament.
GROUND, verb. Simple past tense and past participle of grind
GROUND, adjective. Crushed, or reduced to small particles.
GROUND, adjective. Processed by grinding.
GROUND ANGLING, noun. Angling with a weighted line without a float
GROUND ANNUAL, noun. (legal) (Scotland) An estate created in land by a vassal who instead of selling his land outright reserves an annual ground rent, which becomes a perpetual charge upon the land.
GROUND BAILIFF, noun. (mining) A superintendent of mines.
GROUND BALL, noun. (baseball) A batted ball that bounces one or more times on the infield; a grounder.
GROUND BALL, noun. (lacrosse) A ball that is temporarily lying on the ground during play.
GROUND BALL WITH EYES, noun. (idiomatic) (baseball) (humorous) A weakly hit ground ball that barely evades the infielders.
GROUND BALLS, noun. Plural of ground ball
GROUND BAR, noun. A thick copper bar required in telecom room installations to provide a central ground-point for equipment.
GROUND BASS, noun. Used other than as an idiom: see ground, bass.
GROUND BASS, noun. (music) A constantly repeated bassline or harmonic pattern in a piece.
GROUND BASSES, noun. Plural of ground bass
GROUND BEEF, noun. (North America) Beef that has been ground; minced beef.
GROUND BEEF, noun. (US standard of identity) Chopped fresh or frozen beef without the addition of beef fat as seasoning, with no more than 30 percent fat, and with no added water, phosphates, binders, or extenders.
GROUND BEEFS, noun. Plural of ground beef
GROUND BEETLE, noun. Used other than as an idiom: see ground, beetle.
GROUND BEETLE, noun. Any of a large cosmopolitan family of beetles, Carabidae.
GROUND BEETLES, noun. Plural of ground beetle
GROUND CLEARANCE, noun. (automotive) The shortest distance between a level surface, and any part (other than tires or equivalent) of the underside of a vehicle standing on that surface.
GROUND CLEARANCES, noun. Plural of ground clearance
GROUND COVER, noun. Something, particularly plants, which overlays an area of land. May refer to plants specifically grown to prevent erosion of an area.
GROUND EFFECT, noun. (aeronautics) A generic term describing any aerodynamic effects occurring due to a vehicle's body or appendages moving in close proximity to the ground.
GROUND EFFECT MACHINE, noun. Alternative form of ground-effect machine
GROUND ELDER, noun. A perennial plant in the carrot family Apiaceae, native to Eurasia; Aegopodium podagraria.
GROUND FAILURE, noun. (geology) An effect of seismic activity, such as an earthquake, where the ground becomes very soft, due to the shaking, and acts like a liquid, causing landslides, spreading, and settling.
GROUND FLOOR, noun. The floor of a building closest to ground level; what is also known by some American English speakers as the first floor (US)
GROUND FLOOR, noun. (informal) The initial stage of a project
GROUND FORCES, noun. (military) all military units operating on the ground, including tanks, soldiers, artillery e.t.c.
GROUND GAME, noun. (British) (legal) (uncountable) Rabbits and hares
GROUND GAME, noun. (martial arts) Hand-to-hand combat in which both fighters are on the ground, or skill in such combat
GROUND GAME, noun. (golf) Putting; hitting the ball along the ground
GROUND GAME, noun. (American football) (countable) Running with the ball, rather than passing
GROUND GAME, noun. (US) (politics) (countable) Local political organization
GROUND GAMES, noun. Plural of ground game
GROUND GLASS, noun. Glass having a rough, flat surface produced by abrasion or etching
GROUND GLASS JOINT, noun. Any of several standard sized joints, made from ground glass, used to connect laboratory glassware without leaks
GROUND IVY, noun. Glechoma hederacea, an aromatic, perennial, evergreen creeper of the mint family Lamiaceae.
GROUND LAUREL, noun. Used other than as an idiom: see ground, laurel.
GROUND LAUREL, noun. Epigaea repens, a low, spreading shrub found throughout eastern North America.
GROUND LOOP, noun. (electricity) A (usually unwanted) current that flows between two points that are meant to be at the same potential, but are not.
GROUND LOOP, noun. (aviation) A sudden, potentially damaging turn made by an aircraft while on the ground, owing to user error or adverse weather conditions.
GROUND LOOP, verb. (aviation) To suffer such a manoeuvre.
GROUND LOOPED, verb. Simple past tense and past participle of ground loop
GROUND LOOPS, noun. Plural of ground loop
GROUND MOBILE FORCE, noun. (US) (military) A communications unit and their equipment; most often in reference to satellite communications.
GROUND MOBILE FORCES, noun. Plural of ground mobile force
GROUND OFFENSIVE, noun. (military) A military action launched by land, using ground troops.
GROUND OUT, verb. (electronics) To provide proper grounding for a circuit.
GROUND OUT, verb. (baseball) To become out by hitting a ground ball which is fielded and leads to a force or tag of a runner.
GROUND OUT, noun. (baseball) An instance of grounding out.
GROUND PANGOLIN, noun. Used other than as an idiom: see ground, pangolin.
GROUND PANGOLIN, noun. A species of pangolin, Manis temmincki
GROUND PANGOLINS, noun. Plural of ground pangolin
GROUND PINE, noun. Any of several plants, none of the following being pines:
GROUND PINE, noun. Ajuga, a genus of herbaceous flowering plants in the mint family Lamiaceae, with most species native to Europe, Asia, and Africa; also, specifically:
GROUND PINE, noun. Ajuga chamaepitys (yellow bugle), native to Europe, the eastern part of the Mediterranean, and North Africa
GROUND PINE, noun. Diphasiastrum complanatum (syn. Lycopodium complanatum) (northern running-pine), a species of clubmoss native to dry coniferous forests throughout the holarctic region.
GROUND PINE, noun. Lycopodium, a genus of clubmosses in the family Lycopodiaceae, a family allied to the ferns, specifically:
GROUND PINE, noun. Lycopodium obscurum (princess pine), native to eastern North America
GROUND PINE, noun. Lycopodium clavatum (running clubmoss)
GROUND POUNDER, noun. (military) (slang) A military soldier whose primary role is infantry or the use of ground-based materiel.
GROUND POWER, noun. Electric power supplied from the ground to an aircraft while it is on the ground.
GROUND POWER, noun. Electric power supplied from the shore to a ship or boat while it is lying at berth.
GROUND POWER, noun. (military) Ground forces.
GROUND PROXIMITY WARNING SYSTEM, noun. (aeronautics) A device which warns the pilot that the aircraft may be in danger of collision with the ground.
GROUND PROXIMITY WARNING SYSTEMS, noun. Plural of ground proximity warning system
GROUND RENT, noun. (legal) (real estate) Rent paid for the land, usually for a long-term lease or in perpetuity, where the land-owner and the owner of improvements are different; the improvements are effectively security for the payment of the rent.
GROUND ROLLER, noun. Any of a small family of non-migratory near-passerine birds restricted to Madagascar, and related to the kingfishers, bee-eaters and rollers.
GROUND RULE, noun. (sports) A rule regarding play on a specific field, course, or court.
GROUND RULE, noun. (idiomatic) (usually in the plural) The basic rules or standards; whatever someone must know before proceeding.
GROUND RULES, noun. Plural of ground rule
GROUND SHARK, noun. Used other than as an idiom: see ground, shark.
GROUND SHARK, noun. Any member of the order Carcharhiniformes, the largest order of sharks with over 270 species.
GROUND SHARK, noun. A Greenland shark, Somniosus microcephalus.
GROUND SHARKS, noun. Plural of ground shark
GROUND SLOTH, noun. Used other than as an idiom: see ground, sloth.
GROUND SLOTH, noun. Any of various extinct species of sloth in several families which are believed, due to their size and/or body type, to have lived on the ground rather than in trees.
GROUND SLOTHS, noun. Plural of ground sloth
GROUND SPIDER, noun. Used other than as an idiom: see ground, spider.
GROUND SPIDER, noun. Any of very many spiders, of the family Gnaphosidae, that hunt their prey instead of building a web to catch them.
GROUND SPIDERS, noun. Plural of ground spider
GROUND SQUIRREL, noun. Used other than as an idiom: see ground, squirrel.
GROUND SQUIRREL, noun. Any of a number of medium-sized squirrel-like borrowing rodents of the tribe Marmotini (i.e., excluding the smaller chipmunks and the larger marmots and prairie dogs).
GROUND SQUIRREL, noun. Any of the squirrel-like borrowing rodents of the tribes Marmotini and Xerini.
GROUND SQUIRRELS, noun. Plural of ground squirrel
GROUND STATE, noun. (physics) the stationary state of lowest energy of a particle or system of particles
GROUND SWELL, noun. (surfing) waves generated by winds a long way away, possibly arriving at shore without local winds.
GROUND SWELLS, noun. Plural of ground swell
GROUND TACKLE, noun. (nautical) equipment, such as anchors, cables, or windlasses, for mooring a vessel away from a pier or other fixed moorings.
GROUND TISSUE, noun. (botany) The basic supportive tissues in plants.
GROUND WATER, noun. Water that exists beneath the earth's surface in underground streams and aquifers.
GROUND ZERO, noun. The point on the land or water surface below, above, or at which an atomic or nuclear bomb detonates
GROUND ZERO, noun. (by extension) The location of any disaster
GROUND ZERO, proper noun. The site of the former World Trade Center towers in New York City destroyed on 11 September 2001.
GROUND ZEROES, noun. Plural of ground zero
Dictionary definition
GROUND, noun. The solid part of the earth's surface; "the plane turned away from the sea and moved back over land"; "the earth shook for several minutes"; "he dropped the logs on the ground".
GROUND, noun. A rational motive for a belief or action; "the reason that war was declared"; "the grounds for their declaration".
GROUND, noun. The loose soft material that makes up a large part of the land surface; "they dug into the earth outside the church".
GROUND, noun. A relation that provides the foundation for something; "they were on a friendly footing"; "he worked on an interim basis".
GROUND, noun. A position to be won or defended in battle (or as if in battle); "they gained ground step by step"; "they fought to regain the lost ground".
GROUND, noun. The part of a scene (or picture) that lies behind objects in the foreground; "he posed her against a background of rolling hills".
GROUND, noun. Material in the top layer of the surface of the earth in which plants can grow (especially with reference to its quality or use); "the land had never been plowed"; "good agricultural soil".
GROUND, noun. A relatively homogeneous percept extending back of the figure on which attention is focused.
GROUND, noun. A connection between an electrical device and a large conducting body, such as the earth (which is taken to be at zero voltage).
GROUND, noun. (art) the surface (as a wall or canvas) prepared to take the paint for a painting.
GROUND, noun. The first or preliminary coat of paint or size applied to a surface.
GROUND, verb. Fix firmly and stably; "anchor the lamppost in concrete".
GROUND, verb. Confine or restrict to the ground; "After the accident, they grounded the plane and the pilot".
GROUND, verb. Place or put on the ground.
GROUND, verb. Instruct someone in the fundamentals of a subject.
GROUND, verb. Bring to the ground; "the storm grounded the ship".
GROUND, verb. Hit or reach the ground.
GROUND, verb. Throw to the ground in order to stop play and avoid being tackled behind the line of scrimmage.
GROUND, verb. Hit a groundball; "he grounded to the second baseman".
GROUND, verb. Hit onto the ground.
GROUND, verb. Cover with a primer; apply a primer to.
GROUND, verb. Connect to a ground; "ground the electrical connections for safety reasons".
GROUND, verb. Use as a basis for; found on; "base a claim on some observation".
Wise words
Be generous with kindly words, especially about those who
are absent.