Associations to the word «Foreign»
- Contingent
- Memorandum
- Posting
- Protectorate
- Inflation
- Regime
- Portfolio
- Committee
- Korean
- Credential
- Gaza
- Sovereign
- Merchant
- Financing
- Kabul
- Propaganda
- Shanghai
- Somalia
- Andrei
- Reliance
- Economic
- Cia
- Reagan
- Authorization
- Monopoly
- Interference
- Algeria
- Arabia
- Subsidy
- Seward
- Bismarck
- Chinese
- Propagation
- Attache
- Sergei
- Uzbekistan
- Pakistan
- Insurgency
- Hanoi
- Veteran
- Canning
- Syria
- Lymphocyte
- Balfour
- Pere
- Liaison
- Russia
- Tokugawa
- Kobe
- Modernization
- Petroleum
- Siam
- Donor
- Yokohama
- Cambodia
- Mission
- Mahmoud
- Nations
- Maldives
- Subtitle
- Nanjing
- Peso
- Judiciary
- Israel
- Sector
- Deficit
- Defence
- Emissary
- Exemption
- Asset
- Gaulle
- Militant
- Immigrant
- Opium
FOREIGN, adjective. Located outside a country or place, especially one's own.
FOREIGN, adjective. Originating from, characteristic of, belonging to, or being a citizen of a country or place other than the one under discussion.
FOREIGN, adjective. Relating to a different nation.
FOREIGN, adjective. Not characteristic of or naturally taken in by an organism or system.
FOREIGN, adjective. (with to) (formerly with from) Alien; strange.
FOREIGN, adjective. (obsolete) Held at a distance; excluded; exiled.
FOREIGN, adjective. (US) (state legal) From a different one of the states of the United States, as of a state of residence or incorporation.
FOREIGN, adjective. Belonging to a different organization, company etc.
FOREIGN, noun. (informal) foreigner
FOREIGN ACCENT SYNDROME, noun. (medicine) (psychology) (neurology) An extremely rare disorder, which may be temporary or permanent, in which a person who has suffered a stroke or other brain trauma recovers but subsequently speaks with a seemingly foreign accent.
FOREIGN ACCENT SYNDROMES, noun. Plural of foreign accent syndrome
FOREIGN AFFAIRS, noun. Policy of a government in dealing with other countries or with activities overseas.
FOREIGN AFFAIRS, noun. A government office or department charged with handling relations with other countries.
FOREIGN BODIES, noun. Plural of foreign body
FOREIGN BODY, noun. An unwanted, intruding object or piece of matter.
FOREIGN CORRESPONDENT, noun. (journalism) A reporter or freelance journalist who is based in a foreign country, and who provides news reports and/or commentary from that place.
FOREIGN CORRESPONDENT, noun. (business) (dated) A clerical employee responsible for communicating with an organization's stakeholders in other countries and for processing transactions involving them; a firm employed by an organization to assume such responsibilities.
FOREIGN COUNTRIES, noun. Plural of foreign country
FOREIGN COUNTRY, noun. Any country of which one is not a citizen.
FOREIGN CURRENCY, noun. Any currency that is in use in a foreign country, but not in one's own
FOREIGN DEBT, noun. (countable) (finance) A debt that a country, an organization in a country, or a resident individual in a country owes to those in other countries.
FOREIGN DEBT, noun. (uncountable) (economics) An aggregate amount of such debts.
FOREIGN DEBTS, noun. Plural of foreign debt
FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT, noun. (finance) (economics) Direct investment into production or business in a country by an individual or company of another country, either by buying a company in the target country or by expanding operations of an existing business in that country.
FOREIGN EXCHANGE, noun. The exchange of currency from one country for currency from another country.
FOREIGN EXCHANGE, noun. (India) Foreign currency.
FOREIGN EXCHANGE CERTIFICATE, noun. (finance) A surrogate currency often used as a tool to control circulation of foreign exchange in countries where the national currency is subject to exchange controls or is not convertible. The certificates may be denominated in local or foreign currency, depending on the exact purpose of the regulation.
FOREIGN EXCHANGE CERTIFICATE, noun. A document authorizing a purchase of foreign currency; used as a tool to regulate foreign exchange movements across the national border.
FOREIGN EXCHANGE CERTIFICATES, noun. Plural of foreign exchange certificate
FOREIGN EXCHANGE MARKET, noun. A market for trading one currency for another.
FOREIGN EXCHANGE MARKETS, noun. Plural of foreign exchange market
FOREIGN EXCHANGES, noun. Plural of foreign exchange
FOREIGN INVESTMENT, noun. Foreign direct investment
FOREIGN KEY, noun. (computing) (database) A column (or group of columns) in a relational table that identifies another table, so that items in the two tables can be conceptually linked.
FOREIGN KEYS, noun. Plural of foreign key
FOREIGN LANGUAGE, noun. A language that is not widely or officially spoken in a particular place.
FOREIGN LANGUAGE, noun. A language that is not one's native tongue.
FOREIGN LANGUAGES, noun. Plural of foreign language
FOREIGN MINISTER, noun. The cabinet official in charge of relationships with foreign nations.
FOREIGN MINISTERS, noun. Plural of foreign minister
FOREIGN POLICIES, noun. Plural of foreign policy
FOREIGN POLICY, noun. A government's policy relating to relations with other nations and international organisations.
FOREIGN POLICY, noun. Used retrospectively, the sum of a leader or government's dealings and relations with other nations.
FOREIGN TONGUE, noun. Any language not native to particular person or place.
FOREIGN TONGUES, noun. Plural of foreign tongue
Dictionary definition
FOREIGN, adjective. Of concern to or concerning the affairs of other nations (other than your own); "foreign trade"; "a foreign office".
FOREIGN, adjective. Relating to or originating in or characteristic of another place or part of the world; "foreign nations"; "a foreign accent"; "on business in a foreign city".
FOREIGN, adjective. Not contained in or deriving from the essential nature of something; "an economic theory alien to the spirit of capitalism"; "the mysticism so foreign to the French mind and temper"; "jealousy is foreign to her nature".
FOREIGN, adjective. Not belonging to that in which it is contained; introduced from an outside source; "water free of extraneous matter"; "foreign particles in milk".
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