Associations to the word «Fil»
- Chick
- Kickoff
- Ter
- Lacrosse
- Bronze
- Sans
- Cathy
- Double
- Peach
- Nd
- Bowl
- Filter
- Filtration
- Medal
- Acc
- Ful
- Auspice
- Au
- Championship
- Sasha
- Impedance
- Ul
- Internationale
- Whistler
- Wal
- Waveguide
- Beirut
- Pr
- Quran
- Temp
- Fer
- Guadalajara
- Ro
- Thorpe
- Tele
- Single
- Pere
- Pu
- Ry
- Clermont
- Io
- Sled
- Ig
- Auburn
- Ce
- Atlanta
- Profile
- Microwave
- Ib
- Ir
- Austria
- Dar
- Filament
- Silver
- Verity
- Oscillator
- Qu
- Ea
- Ag
- Le
- Federation
- Finish
- Dk
- Event
- Flu
- Pizza
- Coupling
- Te
- Ras
- Om
- Uppsala
- Ar
- Yarn
- Restaurant
- Sur
- Cy
- Sandwich
- Po
- Bandwidth
- Cu
- Ge
- Boise
- Swell
FIL, noun. A Nordic dairy product, similar to yoghurt, but using different bacteria which give a different taste and texture.
Wise words
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a
kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the
smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to
turn a life around.