Associations to the word «Feasible»
- Fusion
- Bb
- Clique
- Password
- Transplantation
- Congestion
- Bound
- Implement
- Assignment
- Genome
- Assumption
- Strategy
- Simulation
- Imaging
- Technique
- Severn
- Device
- Fission
- Scale
- Ming
- Ci
- Coloring
- Proposal
- Do
- Efficiency
- Uncertainty
- Extent
- Regularity
- Evaluation
- Possibility
- Monomer
- Cloning
- Safe
- Rigor
- Encryption
- Partition
- Maud
- Objective
- Catapult
- If
- Viability
- Reduction
- Computing
- Methodology
- Containment
- Path
- Scenario
- Limitation
- Ore
- Hardware
- Projection
- Estimation
- Biopsy
- Efficacy
- Sup
FEASIBLE, adjective. That can be done in practice.
Dictionary definition
FEASIBLE, adjective. Capable of being done with means at hand and circumstances as they are.
Wise words
The difference between the right word and the almost right
word is the difference between lightning and a lightning