Associations to the word «Exterior»
- Arch
- Stairway
- Inside
- Atrium
- Baroque
- Fresco
- Ornament
- Aluminium
- Wall
- Walkway
- Fender
- Restoration
- Revival
- Lobby
- Slate
- Courtyard
- Fireplace
- Window
- Concourse
- Nave
- Steeple
- Airlock
- Storey
- Shot
- Motif
- Enamel
- Foyer
- Plaque
- Ceiling
- Seating
- Upgrade
- Polygon
- Tower
- Entrance
- Niche
- Insert
- Architecture
- Frame
- Sculpture
- Ventilation
- Accent
- Courthouse
- Railing
- Design
- Skyscraper
- Basement
- Floor
- Pillar
- Exterior
- Insulation
- Algebra
- Buckinghamshire
EXTERIOR, adjective. Relating to the outside parts or surface of something.
EXTERIOR, adjective. Being from outside a country; foreign.
EXTERIOR, adjective. Outdoors.
EXTERIOR, noun. The outside part, parts or surface of something.
EXTERIOR, noun. Foreign lands.
EXTERIOR ANGLE, noun. (geometry) An angle formed between one side of a polygon and an extension of an adjacent side.
EXTERIOR ANGLES, noun. Plural of exterior angle
Dictionary definition
EXTERIOR, noun. The region that is outside of something.
EXTERIOR, noun. The outer side or surface of something.
EXTERIOR, adjective. Situated in or suitable for the outdoors or outside of a building; "an exterior scene"; "exterior grade plywood"; "exterior paints".
Wise words
We should have a great fewer disputes in the world if words
were taken for what they are, the signs of our ideas only,
and not for things themselves.