Associations to the word «Enchantment»
- Bower
- Siren
- Barber
- Finn
- Curse
- Cloak
- Pietro
- Mysticism
- Eloquence
- Triad
- Transformation
- Gliding
- Wherefore
- Treasure
- Canopy
- Princess
- Thor
- Finch
- Devil
- Sea
- Spirituality
- Flesh
- Embrace
- Adventures
- Adventure
- Maiden
- Rune
- Sword
- Intercourse
- Quest
- Render
- Raphael
- Castle
- Druid
- Ursula
- Moor
- Fragrance
- Spite
- Gleam
- Hog
- Ariel
- Fate
- Amazement
- Gossip
- Laughter
- Symbolism
- Power
- Sort
- Axis
- Break
- Lena
- Thrill
- Perfection
- Toil
- Wound
- Lore
- Repose
- Ideal
- Bard
ENCHANTMENT, noun. The act of enchanting or the feeling of being enchanted.
ENCHANTMENT, noun. Something that enchants; a magical spell.
Dictionary definition
ENCHANTMENT, noun. A feeling of great liking for something wonderful and unusual.
ENCHANTMENT, noun. A psychological state induced by (or as if induced by) a magical incantation.
ENCHANTMENT, noun. A magical spell.
Wise words
All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed
in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy,