Associations to the word «Due»
DUE, adjective. Owed or owing.
DUE, adjective. Appropriate.
DUE, adjective. Scheduled; expected.
DUE, adjective. Having reached the expected, scheduled, or natural time.
DUE, adjective. Owing; ascribable, as to a cause.
DUE, adverb. (used with compass directions) Directly; exactly.
DUE, noun. Deserved acknowledgment.
DUE, noun. (in plural dues) A membership fee.
DUE, noun. That which is owed; debt; that which belongs or may be claimed as a right; whatever custom, law, or morality requires to be done, duty.
DUE, noun. Right; just title or claim.
DUE COURSE, noun. (idiomatic) Regular or appropriate passage or occurrence
DUE DATE, noun. The date on which a pregnant woman is expected to give birth.
DUE DATE, noun. The date of payment in financial arrangements.
DUE DATE, noun. The date by which a book (or other item) borrowed from a library must be returned.
DUE DATE, noun. The date by which a task is supposed to be completed.
DUE DATES, noun. Plural of due date
DUE DILIGENCE, noun. (legal) A legally binding process during which a potential buyer evaluates the assets and liabilities of a company.
DUE PROCESS, noun. (legal) A legal concept where a person is ensured all legal rights when deprived of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for a given reason.
DUE PROCESS, noun. (legal) The limits of laws and legal proceedings, so as to ensure a person fairness, justice and liberty.
DUE PROCESS OF LAW, noun. (legal) due process
DUE TO, preposition. Caused by; resulting from.
Dictionary definition
DUE, noun. That which is deserved or owed; "give the devil his due".
DUE, noun. A payment that is due (e.g., as the price of membership); "the society dropped him for non-payment of dues".
DUE, adverb. Directly or exactly; straight; "went due North".
DUE, adjective. Owed and payable immediately or on demand; "payment is due".
DUE, adjective. Scheduled to arrive; "the train is due in 15 minutes".
DUE, adjective. Suitable to or expected in the circumstances; "all due respect"; "due cause to honor them"; "a long due promotion"; "in due course"; "due esteem"; "exercising due care".
DUE, adjective. Capable of being assigned or credited to; "punctuation errors ascribable to careless proofreading"; "the cancellation of the concert was due to the rain"; "the oversight was not imputable to him".
Wise words
However many holy words you read, however many you speak,
what good will they do you if you do not act upon them?