Associations to the word «Cuneiform»


CUNEIFORM, adjective. Having the form of a wedge; wedge-shaped, especially with a tapered end.
CUNEIFORM, adjective. Written in the cuneiform writing system.
CUNEIFORM, noun. An ancient Mesopotamian writing system, adapted within several language families, originating as pictograms in Sumer around the 30th century BC, evolving into more abstract and characteristic wedge shapes formed by a blunt reed stylus on clay tablets.
CUNEIFORM, noun. (anatomy) A wedge-shaped bone, especially a cuneiform bone.
CUNEIFORM BONE, noun. (skeleton) Any one of three wedge-shaped bones of the foot.
CUNEIFORM BONES, noun. Plural of cuneiform bone

Dictionary definition

CUNEIFORM, noun. An ancient wedge-shaped script used in Mesopotamia and Persia.
CUNEIFORM, adjective. Shaped like a wedge.
CUNEIFORM, adjective. Of or relating to the tarsal bones (or other wedge-shaped bones).

Wise words

The most important things are the hardest things to say. They are the things you get ashamed of because words diminish your feelings - words shrink things that seem timeless when they are in your head to no more than living size when they are brought out.
Stephen King