Associations to the word «Crux»


CRUX, noun. The basic, central, or essential point or feature.
CRUX, noun. The critical or transitional moment or issue, a turning point.
CRUX, noun. A puzzle or difficulty.
CRUX, noun. The hardest point of a climb.
CRUX, noun. (heraldiccharge) A cross on a coat of arms.
CRUX, proper noun. (constellation) A distinctive winter constellation of the southern sky, shaped like a cross. It appears in the flags of several countries in Oceania.
CRUX ANSATA, noun. Ankh
CRUX DECUSSATA, noun. A diagonal cross, resembling the letter X.
CRUX GAMMATA, noun. (Latin phrase) The tetra-gammadion.
CRUX SIMPLEX, noun. A single beam or pole without a cross bar.
CRUX SIMPLEX, noun. The style of pole (simple) that common criminals were impaled on, typically including a block for the feet, thus using only one nail through the hands (below the palm), and reducing the cost of materials involved, and hastening death by asphyxia most often following the breaking of the legs.

Dictionary definition

CRUX, noun. A small conspicuous constellation in the southern hemisphere in the Milky Way near Centaurus.
CRUX, noun. The most important point.

Wise words

All our words are but crumbs that fall down from the feast of the mind.
Kahlil Gibran