Associations to the word «Crescendo»


CRESCENDO, noun. (music) An instruction to play gradually more loudly, denoted by a long, narrow angle with its apex on the left ( < ).
CRESCENDO, noun. (figuratively) A gradual increase of anything, especially to a dramatic climax.
CRESCENDO, noun. (figuratively) (nonstandard) The climax of a gradual increase.
CRESCENDO, verb. To increase in intensity, to reach or head for a crescendo.

Dictionary definition

CRESCENDO, noun. (music) a gradual increase in loudness.
CRESCENDO, verb. Grow louder; "The music crescendoes here".
CRESCENDO, adjective. Gradually increasing in volume.

Wise words

The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause.
Mark Twain