Associations to the word «Countless»
- Sparkling
- Jungle
- Stillness
- Jewel
- Globe
- Orc
- Fowl
- Bazaar
- Hue
- Creature
- Rebirth
- Glade
- Plain
- Haunt
- Tapestry
- Radiance
- Speck
- Gem
- Martian
- Shallow
- Repetition
- Fulfilling
- Universe
- Beyond
- Smear
- Soul
- Labyrinth
- Shaft
- Deed
- Postcard
- Passageway
- Numbers
- Enchantment
- Chore
- Abode
- Tar
- Admirer
- Invertebrate
- Jingle
- Inspiration
- Clapton
- Scar
- Abyss
- Blossom
- Artifact
- Planet
- Chasm
- Firefly
- Pilgrim
- Locust
- Trophi
COUNTLESS, adjective. Too many to count; innumerable or incalculable
Dictionary definition
COUNTLESS, adjective. Too numerous to be counted; "incalculable riches"; "countless hours"; "an infinite number of reasons"; "innumerable difficulties"; "the multitudinous seas"; "myriad stars"; "untold thousands".
Wise words
All my life I've looked at words as though I were seeing
them for the first time.