Associations to the word «Chromium»


CHROMIUM, noun. A metallic chemical element (symbol Cr) with an atomic number of 24.
CHROMIUM, proper noun. An open source web browser developed by Google
CHROMIUM DIOXIDE, noun. (inorganic compound) A black, semiconducting material, CrO2, having strong magnetic properties; used in recording tapes.
CHROMIUM GROUP, noun. (inorganic chemistry) Group 6 of the periodic table, comprising chromium, molybdenum, tungsten and seaborgium
CHROMIUM PLATE, verb. To plate a metal with a layer of chromium
CHROMIUM PLATING, verb. Present participle of chromium plate
CHROMIUM PLATING, noun. The application of a layer of chromium onto the surface of a metal
CHROMIUM SESQUIOXIDE, noun. (inorganic compound) The chromium oxide, Cr2O3, manufactured from chromite and sometimes used as a pigment.

Dictionary definition

CHROMIUM, noun. A hard brittle multivalent metallic element; resistant to corrosion and tarnishing.

Wise words

Every creature is a word of God.
Meister Eckhart