Associations to the word «Chat»

Pictures for the word «Chat»


CHAT, verb. To be engaged in informal conversation.
CHAT, verb. To talk more than a few words.
CHAT, verb. (transitive) To talk of; to discuss.
CHAT, verb. To exchange text or voice messages in real time through a computer network, as if having a face-to-face conversation.
CHAT, noun. (uncountable) Informal conversation.
CHAT, noun. A conversation to stop an argument or settle situations.
CHAT, noun. An exchange of text or voice messages in real time through a computer network, resembling a face-to-face conversation.
CHAT, noun. Any of various small Old World passerine birds in the muscicapid tribe Saxicolini that feed on insects.
CHAT, noun. Any of several small Australian honeyeaters in the genus Epthianura.
CHAT, noun. A small potato, such as is given to swine.
CHAT, noun. (mining) (local use) Mining waste from lead and zinc mines.
CHAT, noun. (British) (Australia) (NZ) (WWI military slang) A louse (small, parasitic insect).
CHAT, noun. Alternative form of chaat
CHAT LINE, noun. Alternative spelling of chatline
CHAT ROOM, noun. (Internet) Part of a website where visitors can converse in typed messages.
CHAT ROOMS, noun. Plural of chat room
CHAT SHIT, verb. (slang) (vulgar) (British) To talk nonsense or to lie.
CHAT SHIT, verb. (slang) (vulgar) (British) To have a casual or meaningless conversation.
CHAT SHOW, noun. (UK) Alternative term for talk show
CHAT SHOWS, noun. Plural of chat show
CHAT SITE, noun. A website where visitors can converse in typed messages.
CHAT SITES, noun. Plural of chat site
CHAT UP, verb. (transitive) (idiomatic) To talk to (someone) in a friendly, open, or casual manner, sometimes also in a charming or affected manner, usually to curry favor, and sometimes flirtatiously with the intention of establishing a romantic or sexual encounter or relationship with that person.

Dictionary definition

CHAT, noun. An informal conversation.
CHAT, noun. Birds having a chattering call.
CHAT, noun. Songbirds having a chattering call.
CHAT, verb. Talk socially without exchanging too much information; "the men were sitting in the cafe and shooting the breeze".

Wise words

Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning.
Maya Angelou