Associations to the word «Author»
- Cookbook
- Textbook
- Bestseller
- Nonfiction
- Monograph
- Co
- Book
- Foreword
- Treatise
- Pseudonym
- Columnist
- Pamphlet
- Authorship
- Memoir
- Autobiography
- Novel
- Fiction
- Manifesto
- Theologian
- Essay
- Pulitzer
- Journalist
- Publication
- Novella
- Botanist
- Commentary
- Compendium
- Seller
- Publisher
- Anthology
- Sociologist
- Trilogy
- Editor
- Screenplay
- Contributor
- Rabbi
- Historian
- Blog
- Feminism
- Critique
- Selling
- Anthropologist
- Writer
- Text
- Literature
- Poem
- Scholar
- Economist
- Chronicle
- Work
- Writing
- Publishing
- Professor
- Illustrator
- Article
- Paper
- Playwright
- Dissent
- Essayist
- Hadith
- Copyright
- Screenwriter
- Educator
- Handbook
- Patent
- Detailing
AUTHOR, noun. The originator or creator of a work, especially of a literary composition.
AUTHOR, noun. (the author) I, me. used in academic articles as first-person pronoun.
AUTHOR, noun. Someone who writes books for a living.
AUTHOR, noun. The works of an author or authors.
AUTHOR, verb. (chiefly US) To create a work as its author.
AUTHOR OF ETERNAL SALVATION, proper noun. Jesus Christ
Dictionary definition
AUTHOR, noun. Writes (books or stories or articles or the like) professionally (for pay).
AUTHOR, noun. Someone who originates or causes or initiates something; "he was the generator of several complaints".
AUTHOR, verb. Be the author of; "She authored this play".
Wise words
The chief virtue that language can have is clearness, and
nothing detracts from it so much as the use of unfamiliar