Associations to the word «Assurance»
- Reliance
- Competence
- Readiness
- Gratitude
- Earnestness
- Affection
- Modesty
- Acknowledgment
- Guideline
- Billing
- Self
- Advisory
- Procurement
- Security
- Chromatography
- Faith
- Distrust
- Eloquence
- Inspection
- Apprehension
- Directorate
- Majesty
- Consideration
- Firmness
- Software
- Automation
- Conviction
- Conceit
- Acronym
- Refuge
- Lordship
- Accounting
- Agency
- Legality
- Arrogance
- Requirement
- Limited
- Believer
- Dion
- Continuance
- Ladyship
- Documentation
- Apology
- Accountability
- Protection
- Calm
- Assessment
- Provider
- Disarmament
- Sympathy
- Receipt
- Indifference
- Endeavour
- Immortality
- Hardness
- Friendship
- Perceiving
- Gratification
- Organic
- Disposition
ASSURANCE, noun. The act of assuring; a declaration tending to inspire full confidence; that which is designed to give confidence.
ASSURANCE, noun. The state of being assured; firm persuasion; full confidence or trust; freedom from doubt; certainty.
ASSURANCE, noun. Firmness of mind; undoubting, steadiness; intrepidity; courage; confidence; self-reliance.
ASSURANCE, noun. Excess of boldness; impudence; audacity; as, his assurance is intolerable.
ASSURANCE, noun. (obsolete) Betrothal; affiance.
ASSURANCE, noun. Insurance; a contract for the payment of a sum on occasion of a certain event, as loss or death. &hand; Recently, assurance has been used, in England, in relation to life contingencies, and insurance in relation to other contingencies. It is called temporary assurance, in the time within which the contingent event must happen is limited.
ASSURANCE, noun. (legal) Any written or other legal evidence of the conveyance of property; a conveyance; a deed. &hand; In England, the legal evidences of the conveyance of property are called the common assurances of the kingdom. (William Blackstone (1723-1780))
Dictionary definition
ASSURANCE, noun. Freedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities; "his assurance in his superiority did not make him popular"; "after that failure he lost his confidence"; "she spoke with authority".
ASSURANCE, noun. A binding commitment to do or give or refrain from something; "an assurance of help when needed"; "signed a pledge never to reveal the secret".
ASSURANCE, noun. A statement intended to inspire confidence; "the President's assurances were not respected".
ASSURANCE, noun. A British term for some kinds of insurance.
Wise words
Watch your thoughts, they become your words. Watch your
words, they become your actions. Watch your actions, they
become your habits. Watch your habits, they become your
character. Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.