Associations to the word «Aggie»
- Alumnus
- Poll
- Athletics
- Michigan
- Boise
- Mississippi
- Surrogate
- Coordinator
- Squire
- Coach
- Freddie
- Opponent
- Nickname
- Alabama
- Season
- Starter
- Ole
- Softball
- Lizzie
- Nebraska
- Bronco
- College
- Mustang
- Spacer
- Prom
- Sparks
- Ymca
- Hymn
- Gin
- Pastime
- Towel
- Mexico
- Cody
- Opener
- Vanderbilt
- Clete
- Emory
- Cotton
- Penn
- Cromwell
- Andersen
- Win
- Game
- Cal
- Sands
- Kansas
- Lansing
- Cadet
- Cowboy
- Carolina
- Tournament
- Merlin
- Underwood
- Victory
- Debbie
- Senor
- Bullock
- Senior
- Massachusetts
- Dame
- Rival
- Team
- Sloan
- Courtroom
- Miner
- Samoa
- Gig
- Scoring
- Nan
AGGIE, noun. Marble or a marble made of agate, or one that looks as if it were made of agate
AGGIE, noun. (US) An agricultural school, such as one of the state land-grant colleges.
AGGIE, noun. (US) A student or alumnus of such a school.
AGGIE, proper noun. A diminutive of the female given names Agnes and Agatha.
AGGIE, noun. (US) An agricultural school, such as one of the state land-grant colleges.
AGGIE, noun. (US) A student or alumnus of such a school.
Wise words
We cannot always control our thoughts, but we can control
our words, and repetition impresses the subconscious, and we
are then master of the situation.