Associations to the word «Acrimonious»
- Debate
- Divorce
- Dispute
- Breakup
- Disagreement
- Bitter
- Split
- Departure
- Breakaway
- Correspondence
- Keen
- Discussion
- Circumstance
- Relationship
- Controversy
- Litigation
- Rivalry
- Negotiation
- Argument
- Suffrage
- Running
- Hearing
- Lawsuit
- Faction
- Allegation
- Exchange
- Meeting
- Resignation
- Dart
- Relation
- Accusation
- Subject
- Proceeding
- Autobiography
- Conversation
- Session
- Campaign
- Friendship
- Todd
- Separation
- Merit
- Supporter
- Criticism
- Decade
- Long
- Tenure
- Remark
- Colleague
- Opposition
- Accused
- Manager
- Marriage
- Contract
- Battle
- Conflict
- Allen
- Violence
- Falling
- Medium
- Break
- Label
- Purchase
- Ken
ACRIMONIOUS, adjective. Angry, acid, and sharp in delivering argumentative replies: bitter; mean-spirited; sharp in language or tone.
Dictionary definition
ACRIMONIOUS, adjective. Marked by strong resentment or cynicism; "an acrimonious dispute"; "bitter about the divorce".
Wise words
Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty in words.