Associations to the word «Yezidi»
- Kurd
- Assyrian
- Armenian
- Worshipper
- Kurdistan
- Armenia
- Iranian
- Tat
- Uzbek
- Inuit
- Sheikh
- Sunni
- Peacock
- Minority
- Ukrainian
- Iraq
- Yi
- Christian
- Sect
- Muslim
- Roma
- Arab
- Rom
- Believer
- Caste
- Ussr
- Turk
- Islander
- Devil
- Jews
- Ba
- Neighbor
- Greek
- Syria
- Thailand
- Tomb
- Angel
- Worship
- Belief
- Index
- Turkey
- Religion
- Village
- Group
- Tribe
- Mount
- Census
- Leader
- Mountain
- Campaign
- Tradition
- Dance
- Policy
- Community
- Language
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YEZIDI, noun. Alternative form of Yazidi
Wise words
Words derive their power from the original word.