Associations to the word «Watercolour»
- Etching
- Pencil
- Ink
- Painter
- Painting
- Miniature
- Landscape
- Drawing
- Sketch
- Illustrator
- Watercolor
- Oil
- Engraving
- Ruskin
- Paint
- Portrait
- Depicting
- Tate
- Exhibition
- Coloured
- Gallery
- Pen
- Turner
- Artist
- Illustration
- Christie
- Colour
- Canvas
- Wash
- Cm
- Blake
- Collection
- Cox
- Society
- Academy
- Catalogue
- Sculpture
- Museum
- Art
- Brush
- Photograph
- Illustrated
- Albert
- Associate
- Scene
- Technique
- Ceramic
- Wales
- Victoria
- Subject
- Emily
- Work
- Birmingham
- London
- Samuel
- Genre
- Collage
- Picture
- Engraver
- Enamel
- William
- Graphite
- Warren
- Style
- Wilton
- Biennale
- Pigment
- Tapestry
- Kew
- Pennant
- Royal
- Ceramics
- Louvre
WATERCOLOUR, noun. A water-soluble pigment.
WATERCOLOUR, noun. A painting made by using such pigment.
WATERCOLOUR, noun. This kind of painting as a genre.
WATERCOLOUR, adjective. Pertaining to the methods or products of watercolor.
Dictionary definition
WATERCOLOUR, noun. Water-soluble pigment.
WATERCOLOUR, noun. A water-base paint (with water-soluble pigments); used by artists.
WATERCOLOUR, noun. A painting produced with watercolors.
WATERCOLOUR, noun. The art or technique of painting with watercolors.
WATERCOLOUR, verb. Paint with watercolors.
Wise words
When ideas fail, words come in very handy.