Associations to the word «Serpentine»


SERPENTINE, adjective. Sinuous; curving in alternate directions.
SERPENTINE, adjective. Having the shape or form of a snake.
SERPENTINE, adjective. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of snakes.
SERPENTINE, adjective. Of, or having attributes associated with, the mythological serpent, such as craftiness or deceitfulness.
SERPENTINE, noun. Any of several plants believed to cure snakebites.
SERPENTINE, noun. An early form of cannon.
SERPENTINE, noun. A coiled distillation tube.
SERPENTINE, noun. (maths) Any of several related cubic curves; anguinea
SERPENTINE, verb. (archaic) To serpentize; to turn or bend; to meander.
SERPENTINE, adjective. (geology) (botany) Of or characteristic of serpentine rocks or the plants that grow there.
SERPENTINE, noun. (mineralogy) Any of several green/brown minerals consisting of a magnesium and iron silicates that have similar layered crystal structure.
SERPENTINE, noun. (geology) An outcrop or region with soil and rock dominated by these minerals.
SERPENTINE, proper noun. The lake in Hyde Park, London.
SERPENTINE, proper noun. A name given to several rivers in Alaska, Australia, Canada and New Zealand.

Dictionary definition

SERPENTINE, adjective. Resembling a serpent in form; "a serpentine wall"; "snaky ridges in the sand".

Wise words

In words, as fashions, the same rule will hold; Alike fantastic, if too new, or old: Be not the first by whom the new are tried, Nor yet the last to lay the old aside.
Alexander Pope