Associations to the word «Rhesus»


RHESUS, noun. A macaque monkey native to southern and southeastern Asia; Macaca mulatta.
RHESUS FACTOR, noun. An antigen (also referred to as RhD) appearing on the surface of the red blood cells of most (85%) humans. An incompatibility between the Rh-blood types of a mother and her baby may cause serious disease for the baby.
RHESUS MACAQUE, noun. A monkey, Macaca mulatta, common throughout southern Asia, that is extensively used for medical research.
RHESUS MACAQUES, noun. Plural of rhesus macaque
RHESUS MONKEY, noun. The rhesus macaque, Macaca mulatta
RHESUS MONKEYS, noun. Plural of rhesus monkey
RHESUS SYSTEM, proper noun. (medicine) The second most important blood group system in human blood transfusion, usually coded as "positive" or "negative"

Dictionary definition

RHESUS, noun. Of southern Asia; used in medical research.

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