Associations to the word «Resolute»
- Bold
- Calm
- Brave
- Countenance
- Pale
- Courage
- Tug
- Determination
- Hms
- Clear
- Stern
- Tone
- Spite
- Obstacle
- Expression
- Defender
- Face
- Struggle
- Lip
- Manner
- Spirit
- Desk
- Active
- Seeing
- Glance
- Danger
- Uss
- Eye
- Inuit
- Perseverance
- Firmness
- Cornwallis
- Composure
- Demeanor
- Reliance
- Defiance
- Seaman
- Nato
- Refusal
- Investigator
- Gentleness
- Fortitude
- Patriotism
- Temper
- Denial
- Exertion
- Brow
- Firm
- Fearless
- Courageous
- Manly
- Timid
- Arctic
- Brave
- Daring
- Stout
- Grim
- Calm
- Spirited
- Stern
- Bold
- Reckless
- Determined
- Energetic
- Hearted
- Cheerful
- Firm
- Steady
- Intelligent
- Bearing
- Strong
- Generous
- Cautious
- Resolute
- Pale
- Eager
- Possessed
- Sad
- Capable
- Quick
- Quiet
- Noble
- Obstinate
- Skilful
- Flushed
- Ambitious
- Defiant
- Passionate
- Skillful
- Vigorous
- Swift
- Brisk
- Haughty
- Strenuous
- Serene
RESOLUTE, adjective. Firm, unyielding, determined.
RESOLUTE, adjective. (obsolete) Convinced; satisfied; sure.
Dictionary definition
RESOLUTE, adjective. Firm in purpose or belief; characterized by firmness and determination; "stood resolute against the enemy"; "faced with a resolute opposition"; "a resolute and unshakeable faith".
RESOLUTE, adjective. Characterized by quickness and firmness; "his reply was unhesitating".
Wise words
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a
kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the
smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to
turn a life around.