Associations to the word «Powerfully»
- Sentiment
- Deep
- Influence
- Curiosity
- Interruption
- Favourite
- Andes
- Slumber
- Conn
- Sympathy
- Disposition
- Amour
- Pulling
- Efficacy
- Prosperity
- Persuasion
- Protestantism
- Muscle
- Intercourse
- Dominance
- Dignity
- Epoch
- Battleship
- Humour
- Thick
- Passion
- Mould
- Genius
- Saviour
- Recollection
- Esteem
- Apprehension
- Large
- Shoulder
- Stir
- Grasp
- Sexuality
- Preaching
- Obsession
- Chord
- Rhetoric
- Batsman
- Motive
- Badger
- Impulse
- Spirit
- Greatness
- Morality
- Necessity
- Consideration
POWERFULLY, adverb. In a powerful manner.
Dictionary definition
POWERFULLY, adverb. In a powerful manner; "the federal government replaced the powerfully pro-settler Sir Godfrey Huggins with the even tougher and more determined ex-trade unionist".
POWERFULLY, adverb. In a manner having a powerful influence; "Clytemnestra's ghost crying in the night for vengeance remained most potently in the audience's mind".
Wise words
Watch your thoughts, they become your words. Watch your
words, they become your actions. Watch your actions, they
become your habits. Watch your habits, they become your
character. Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.