Associations to the word «Petersburg»


PETERSBURG, proper noun. A city in Virginia; various other towns and cities, including
PETERSBURG, proper noun. Alaska
PETERSBURG, proper noun. Illinois
PETERSBURG, proper noun. Indiana
PETERSBURG, proper noun. Michigan
PETERSBURG, proper noun. A city in North Dakota
PETERSBURG, proper noun. A town in Tennessee
PETERSBURG, proper noun. A city in Texas
PETERSBURG, proper noun. A city in West Virginia
PETERSBURG, proper noun. A campaign in the American Civil War
PETERSBURG, proper noun. Saint Petersburg, formerly Leningrad, a city in Russia
PETERSBURG PARADOX, noun. A paradox, related to probability, where the expected win for repeated play of a game is infinite, so it seems that a player should be willing to pay any price to take part.

Dictionary definition

PETERSBURG, noun. A town in southeastern Virginia (south of Richmond); scene of heavy fighting during the American Civil War.
PETERSBURG, noun. The final campaign of the American Civil War (1864-65); Union forces under Grant besieged and finally defeated Confederate forces under Lee.

Wise words

The chief difference between words and deeds is that words are always intended for men for their approbation, but deeds can be done only for God.
Leo Tolstoy