Associations to the word «Naphtali»
- Asher
- Judah
- Ephraim
- Galilee
- Hirsch
- Barak
- Reuben
- Simeon
- Levi
- Lau
- Rabbi
- Deborah
- Judges
- Hiram
- Tribe
- Jacob
- Ben
- Abel
- Cohen
- Dan
- Hebrew
- Moses
- Beth
- Joshua
- Benjamin
- Genesis
- Rachel
- Israel
- Lewis
- Solomon
- Ha
- Testament
- Bible
- Scholar
- Jordan
- Accent
- Joseph
- Descendant
- Commentary
- Abraham
- Territory
- Poet
- Egypt
- Son
- Land
- Birth
- Text
- Sea
- Temple
- Cave
- Numbers
- Author
- Tradition
- German
- Kingdom
- David
- Brother
- Difference
- Edition
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NAPHTALI, proper noun. (biblical) Sixth son of Jacob, by his wife's handmaid Bilhah.
NAPHTALI, proper noun. (biblical) One of the Israelite tribes, descended from Naphtali.
NAPHTALI, proper noun. A male given name
Wise words
Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the
human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning.