Associations to the word «Marc»


MARC, noun. The refuse matter that remains after fruit, particularly grapes, has been pressed.
MARC, noun. An alcoholic spirit distilled from the marc of grapes.
MARC, noun. (obsolete) A weight of various commodities, especially of gold and silver, used in different European countries. In France and Holland it was equal to eight ounces.
MARC, noun. (obsolete) A coin formerly current in England and Scotland, equal to thirteen shillings and four pence.
MARC, noun. (obsolete) A German coin and money of account; the mark.
MARC, proper noun. A male given name, a French variant of Mark.

Dictionary definition

MARC, noun. Made from residue of grapes or apples after pressing.

Wise words

Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning.
Maya Angelou