Associations to the word «Mag»
- Coil
- Alloy
- Blaster
- Net
- Maguire
- Beaufort
- Clearance
- Rex
- Pendleton
- Launcher
- Ui
- Corsair
- Nato
- Auf
- Mel
- Cartridge
- Flare
- Flashlight
- Finch
- Kingship
- Manganese
- Scribe
- Nag
- Solubility
- Kum
- Magazine
- Harley
- Pic
- Pho
- Kane
- Axon
- Rotary
- Magus
- Donegal
- Niall
- Fergus
- Proton
- Slayer
- Proc
- Chloride
- Ser
- Ulster
- Relaxation
- Polarization
- Zimmerman
- Godfrey
- Lib
- Dal
- Particle
- Constellation
- Oxide
- Moira
- Tensor
- Lai
- Cl
- Mg
- Plain
- Rack
- Conn
- Este
- Hq
- Maximus
- Aircraft
- Grenade
- Nat
- Nitro
- Sept
- Pk
- Ta
- Richter
- Rout
- Wexford
- Asp
- Db
- Jock
- Oscillation
- Python
- Binocular
MAG, noun. (colloquial) (abbreviation) magazine, the publication or ammunition
MAG, noun. (colloquial) (abbreviation) magnet
MAG, noun. (colloquial) (abbreviation) mag wheel
MAG BOOK, noun. (weaponry) a container used to store and carry ammo clips (ammunition magazines for personal firearms)
MAG BOOK, noun. (UK) a book in the format of a magazine
MAG WHEEL, noun. (automotive) (originally late 1950s and into 1960s) A wheel for a motor vehicle, made from an alloy of magnesium, typically lighter and offering better heat conduction than steel wheels.
MAG WHEELS, noun. Plural of mag wheel
Dictionary definition
MAG, noun. A periodic publication containing pictures and stories and articles of interest to those who purchase it or subscribe to it; "it takes several years before a magazine starts to break even or make money".
Wise words
Man is a creature who lives not upon bread alone, but
principally by catch words.