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Associations to the word «Leaving»


LEAVING, verb. Present participle of leave
LEAVING ALONE, verb. Present participle of leave alone
LEAVING BEHIND, verb. Present participle of leave behind
LEAVING DO, noun. (colloquial) (UK) A party or other celebration held in honour of someone leaving their job.
LEAVING DOS, noun. Plural of leaving do
LEAVING FOR DEAD, verb. Present participle of leave for dead
LEAVING GROUP, noun. (chemistry) An atom or group that is detached from the rest of a molecule during a reaction
LEAVING ONE'S OPTIONS OPEN, verb. Present participle of leave one's options open
LEAVING OUT, verb. Present participle of leave out
LEAVING SOMEONE HOLDING THE BABY, verb. Present participle of leave someone holding the baby

Dictionary definition

LEAVING, noun. The act of departing.

Wise words

Strong and bitter words indicate a weak cause.
Victor Hugo