Associations to the word «Knuckleball»
- Pitcher
- Catcher
- Wakefield
- Pitching
- Pitch
- Knuckle
- Haines
- Wilhelm
- Baseman
- Oriole
- Hitter
- Repertoire
- Specialist
- Sock
- Mph
- Dodger
- Abe
- Brave
- Throw
- Schwartz
- Throwing
- Phil
- Baseball
- Curve
- Inning
- Tim
- Charlie
- Catch
- Ball
- Yankee
- Rotation
- Shine
- Spin
- Eddie
- Giant
- Velocity
- Major
- Senator
- Fame
- Tiger
- Career
- Coach
- League
- Plate
- Detroit
- Joe
- Boston
- Manager
- Cardinal
- Speed
- Strike
- Motion
- Relief
- Indian
- Hit
- List
- Difficulty
- Hall
- Skill
- Season
- Game
- Tom
- Start
- Washington
- Win
- Flight
- Team
- Training
- Direction
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KNUCKLEBALL, noun. (baseball) A pitch thrown with the ball gripped on the fingertips and released with no rotation which travels over an unpredictable path to the plate due to micro-turbulence in the air.
KNUCKLEBALL, noun. An event that is hard to predict.
KNUCKLEBALL, verb. (intransitive) (baseball) To pitch knuckleballs.
Dictionary definition
KNUCKLEBALL, noun. A baseball pitch thrown with little speed or spin.
Wise words
A word is not a crystal, transparent and unchanged; it is
the skin of a living thought and may vary greatly in color
and content according to the circumstances and time in which
it is used.