Associations to the word «Joining»
- Nottingham
- Norwich
- Salford
- Drummer
- Johnstone
- Fray
- Bristol
- Cardiff
- Coventry
- Confederation
- Stade
- Hc
- Ajax
- Manly
- Eton
- Affiliate
- Bolton
- Spartan
- Youth
- Unison
- Guitarist
- Colliery
- Relegation
- Join
- Ham
- Anticipation
- Leeds
- Mansfield
- Plymouth
- Coaching
- Manchester
- Inverness
- Peterborough
- Midland
- Hereford
- Rival
- Anchor
- Crawley
- Shrewsbury
- Chelsea
- Mellon
- Fn
- Goalkeeper
- Rank
- Amateur
- Dynamo
- Striker
- Midfield
- Hornet
- Staff
- Rollins
- Season
- Bruin
- Rutgers
- Sorority
- Vocalist
- Apprentice
- Strand
- Alliance
- Fleetwood
- Football
- Lineup
- Cadet
- Membership
- Queens
- Analyst
- Montpellier
- Bsc
- Ymca
- Coordinator
- Midshipman
- Consultancy
- Preston
- Afc
JOINING, verb. Present participle of join
JOINING, noun. The act or result of joining; a joint or juncture.
JOINING IN, verb. Present participle of join in
JOINING UP, verb. Present participle of join up
Dictionary definition
JOINING, noun. The act of bringing two things into contact (especially for communication); "the joining of hands around the table"; "there was a connection via the internet".
Wise words
One merit of poetry few persons will deny: it says more and
in fewer words than prose.