Associations to the word «Intrigue»
- Anjou
- Mirza
- Crise
- Herod
- Menace
- Rumour
- Moreau
- Xiv
- Fondness
- Petticoat
- Burr
- Idea
- Dowager
- Aristocracy
- Ptolemy
- Bureaucracy
- Scramble
- Splendour
- Cardinal
- V6
- Balzac
- Implication
- Adventures
- Drow
- Queen
- Sultan
- Lover
- Harley
- Sincerity
- Midst
- Anarchy
- Disguise
- Concealment
- Upheaval
- Endeavour
- Spite
- Songwriting
- Glimpse
- Phenomenon
- Lyra
- Weekly
- Aspect
- Psychiatrist
- Potential
- Roarke
- Spock
- Blaise
- Synth
- Riddle
- Speculation
- Longevity
- Viewer
- Picard
- Concept
- Reader
- Critic
- Rayford
INTRIGUE, noun. A complicated or clandestine plot or scheme intended to effect some purpose by secret artifice; conspiracy; stratagem.
INTRIGUE, noun. The plot of a play, poem or romance; the series of complications in which a writer involves their imaginary characters.
INTRIGUE, noun. Clandestine intercourse between persons; illicit intimacy; a liaison.
INTRIGUE, verb. (intransitive) To conceive or carry out a secret plan intended to harm; to form a plot or scheme.
INTRIGUE, verb. (transitive) To arouse the interest of; to fascinate.
INTRIGUE, verb. (intransitive) To have clandestine or illicit intercourse.
INTRIGUE, verb. (transitive) To fill with artifice and duplicity; to complicate.
Dictionary definition
INTRIGUE, noun. A crafty and involved plot to achieve your (usually sinister) ends.
INTRIGUE, noun. A clandestine love affair.
INTRIGUE, verb. Cause to be interested or curious.
INTRIGUE, verb. Form intrigues (for) in an underhand manner.
Wise words
One merit of poetry few persons will deny: it says more and
in fewer words than prose.